Instagram Marketing With

Instagram stands out as one of the top platforms for businesses looking to build their brand awareness and close that sale. has several premium tools available to help build out your business’ Instagram presence and audience!

Getting Started - Create Your Free Logo

If you haven’t already, you can create, download, and use a compelling logo for your business absolutely free in moments!

Next Steps - Tailoring Content

What do you do once the basic logo is created? has an array of tools at your disposal to

  1. Optimize Your Logo for Instagram
  2. Create a Link-In-Bio Site
  3. Resource List

Optimize Your Logo For Instagram

Instagram requires a profile pic in a square format, ideally 320px X 320px - our Logo Resizer allows you to not only change the dimensions and proportions of your logo, but also permits you to add the appropriate amount of padding so that the logo fits in the circular Instagram circular profile picture template.

Instagram has specific size requirements for different types of media. For example, reels and stories should be 1080px X 1920px (a 9:16 aspect ratio), while standard Instagram feed photos can be a range of sizes and aspect ratios, but all photos should be 1080px wide. The height should be anywhere from 566px to 1350px.

Portrait Format - 1080px X 1350px
Square Format - 1080px X 1080px
Landscape Format - 1080px X 566px
Instagram Stories Format - 1080px X 1920px

For more information on the best image sizes for social media posts, check out our blog!

Create Compelling Content With the Design Hub

Of course your content isn’t going to be simply resized versions of your logo - this is where the Design Hub, our all-in-one template generator comes in!

You can use the Design Hub to create stunning social media posts. Use your integrated logo alongside our library of free stock images, along with hundreds of fonts, shapes, and masks

Driving traffic from your Instagram account to your other social media or ecommerce accounts is simple with a FREE website designed specifically for social media engagement!

Link located on Instagram profile bio

The website allows you to showcase your entire social media footprint in one place, and Instagram has a way for you to make sure that it's always accessible. Instructions on how to add a link-in-bio site are available for both Apple and Android devices.

Click here for a step-by-step guide to building your website, including how-to videos. has you covered when it comes to establishing and upgrading your Instagram presence! If you'd like to speak to our Customer Success Team for more information, reach out to us at, or check out our list of resources below:

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