Resetting your password

Before you begin

  • If you log in using a social account (Google or Facebook), change your password through the social account directly.
  • To better protect your account and site, use a password generator to create a strong password.
  • Account passwords must be at least 8 characters long.

If you're logged into your account

To change your password while logged into your account:

  1. Click this link to open your account & security settings.
  2. Scroll down to Change Your Password.
  3. Enter your current password.
  4. Enter your new password twice.
  5. Click Save.

If you're locked out of your account

To reset your password if you’re locked out of your account:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Sign in with Email.
  3. Click Forgot your Password?
  4. Enter the email address you used to create a account, then click Request Reset. If you don't remember which email address you used, try any email address you may have.
  5. You’ll receive a password recovery email from
  6. Click Reset Password in the email. You'll be directed to a password reset page.
  7. Enter your Email and your new password twice.
  8. Click Reset Password. You'll be logged into your account.

Fixing password reset email issues

Here's how to prevent and fix common issues that can happen with the password reset email:

  • If you don't get this email in a few minutes, check your spam or junk folder.
  • If it's not in your spam or junk folder, contact us, and we can ensure you get it.
  • If you requested a password reset multiple times, only the most recent reset email will work. To avoid clicking the wrong one, it may help to delete all previous password reset emails.
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