Business Email FAQ

What is a business email?

A business email is an email address you use for your business that matches your business name or the domain of your website. It is an email address that ends in @yourbusiness or @yourdomainname, plus your top level domain (e.g. .com or .site), whereas a free, generic email will have a generic domain. Since your business email is aligned to your business name, it allows clients and customers to recognize you, and helps to gain trust and legitimacy.

Is a business email free to use?

Business email is an annual cost of $44.99 USD per mailbox per year. If you have never signed up for a business email service on, there is a 30 day free trial period for any new sign ups.

Is Titan an email hosting service?

Yes. Email hosting is a service that enables you to set up a custom email address, send and receive emails, and store related files on a server. While setting up hosted email services, your website from your current web host will still be able to operate at full scale.

Is Titan included in the LOGO Pro subscription?

No, Titan isn’t included in the LOGO Pro subscription and will require a separate purchase.

Do I need to have a website or create a business email address with Titan?

You don’t need an active website to use Titan, but you do need your own domain name. By using your domain for both a website and an email address, you create a more trusted business presence. Click on ‘Domains’ in the left-hand menu of your dashboard to register your domain name.

Can I migrate my existing account to Titan?

Yes. Titan comes with built-in migration tools to help you easily move existing email data to your Titan account. If you run into trouble with the migration at any point, our dedicated support staff is available 24/7 to help you out.
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