Use favourites to protect your work

The logo maker allows you to generate more than one brand - up to 5 with the Free Plan, and unlimited number of logos with the LOGO Pro subscription.

Use the Favourites feature to short list of logos as you work so that you can access some of your favourite designs any time, and to protect your work - this saves you from having to recreate a logo from scratch if you lose a design.

To save a version of a logo, simply click the heart icon in the upper right corner:

Close up of logo with arrow pointing to heart icon

You can add favourites when presented with your initial list of templates:

List of logo selections with heart icon circled

Or you can add any working copy of a logo to your favourites - this allows you to experiment with edits without risking losing your older version:

To access your list of favourites, click the red Favourites button in the upper right of the logo edit screen, or your login screen:

A menu of your previously saved logos will appear - just click on the logo you want to access it:

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